My name is Niek Marks,a technical focused industrial designer, with a love for simple mechanical solutions, prototyping and manufacturing techniques.
My passion is to understand every working principle of our world. From simple mechanical solutions to complex systems. Every day brings a problem or product that has to be unraveled and understood. Since I was young there has not been a single product in my life that I did not pry open with a screwdriver and hopefully that fascination will never vanish
Industrial design is a broad field of expertise. To explain what my expertise is I will first state that I am not an interaction designer, website designer or strategic consultant.
I focus and excel on the technical side of the design process. Translating concepts to actual products. By combining material properties, production techniques and without giving in on aesthetics or quality.
Basic programming experience with:
C++, Python, Javascript, HTML, CSS, PHP, PLC Ladder logic
Extensive CAD-modeling experience in:
Solidworks (including: simulations and CAMworks), Rhino
Basic experience in:
Keyshot, Maxwell
Fabrication skills:
Wood working, metal working, mMilling, lathework, welding, etc
Rapid prototyping:
Extensive experience with 3d-Printing, CNC-milling and laser cutting
(plastics, wood & metals)